Time Management in Quicksand
Time Management in Quicksand
From the trail back there, the way you were moving, I took you for a heron toeing a crab hole. My eyes aren't so great. … Addiction—and I'm not implying that you're an alcoholic—I'm just saying addiction is one of the worst symptoms of global …
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Don't Smoke Crack Here. Please?
It seemed to Eddie that they had a problem, like a mouse or a loose railing, but worse. The building had a crackhead. Eddie wrote a sign on a piece of paper and taped it inside the front window. … That all changed with gentrification and the harsh …
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Cell Mechanics Gets a Powerful New Tool
Yet measuring force in living tissue – with its three-dimensional structure, complex network of cells exerting different forces, and sensitive chemical interactions with foreign objects – has been “a really complex problem that has held up the field …
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