Trying to Help a Friend With an Adderall Addiction, Help/Advice?
Question by Energetic Tomboy: Trying to help a friend with an Adderall Addiction, Help/Advice?
I am a friend, of someone who just told me of his adderall addiction. Im worried about him and would like to help him. Ive been trying to learn all I can about the drug and addictions to it and types of Detox. I am NOT interested in sending him to a facility because he will not do it. I would like advice on helping him through his detox. He has been trying to quite and says he’s been going through withdrawl. Ive read that ‘cold-turkey’ is not good and can cause Deep Depression and even sucidal behaviors. Is there any advice you can give me to help him thru this tough time. He is trying to quite, but I can tell that with everything else going on in his life that it is and will be very difficult for him.
Please and Thanks.
Or maybe a site for a treatment center that has a contact us via e-mail thing that DOES NOT require a phone number.
Best answer:
Answer by Jerry
Willpower’s Not Enough: Recovering from Addictions of Every Kind by Arnold M. Washton, & Addiction: Why Can’t They Just Stop? by John Hoffman, Susan Froemke, Sheila Nevins, and Susan Cheever, & The Addictive Personality: Understanding the Addictive Process and Compulsive Behavior by Craig Nakken, & 7 Tools to Beat Addiction by Stanton Peele,
from your bookstore, or enter “addictions” in the searchbar at for more media.
Check out: and and and and
Recovery Ginseng is recommended for cocaine withdrawal, specifically, and c(h)amomile for drugs, generally.
Hypnosis is merely a heightened state of suggestibility, in which you are better able to communicate with your subconscious mind. 85% of people are suggestible, to some degree, so you could either preferably seek professional hypnotherapy. If it is not an option, there is:
Beating Addictions Hypnosis, FREE AT: (if helped, kindly make a modest donation; they rely on them to keep the free service going).
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11/30/2003: Lawrence Taylor – In 2003, football legend Lawrence Taylor revealed to Mike Wallace the depths of his drug addiction and how crack and cocaine nearly ruined his life.
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