What Are My Chances of Passing a Drug Test.?

Question by Zach H: What are my chances of passing a drug test.?
I had two small weed cookies three Saturdays ago and I have a drug test coming up because I just got hired at an amusement park. I’ll have the test probably Friday and I’m kind of terrified that I won’t pass. If it is Friday it means it will have been 20 days. What are my odds? Thanks.

P.S. I’m about 6’1 and weigh about 180

Best answer:

Answer by Julien
How often do you smoke?
For most people who only smoke occasionally it would only take a few days to a week, week and a half tops to be below the tested level of weed. Even if you where a regular smoker it would only take 3 weeks to a month to be below detectable levels.

http://www.sterlingreflabs.com/understandthc.html That is a link to the results of an actually toxicology lab. people who smoked a high potency marijuana cigarette where clean within 4 days max. You should probably be fine. DO NOT SMOKE between now and the test. also DO NOT use fake urine, detox kits, or try to drink a gallon of water b4 the test”lol this will give you water poisoning”, they will know you cheated. Marijuana is stored in your fat, try to exercise this will burn fat and cause you to sweat “which expels toxins” this will help a little.

piss tests are actually pretty unreliable, hence why the government typically uses hair tests. Most private companies don’t bother with hair tests because their expensive and as long as u do your job they dont give a crap if u do drugs or not. I worked at microsoft for 8 years and the VP of my department was a raging drug user, weed, pills, cocaine on occasion. But he was good at his job so they didn’t care.

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