What Are Some Good Topics I Could Bring Up in Addictions Counseling Sessions?
Question by Who?: what are some good topics I could bring up in addictions counseling sessions?
I am a counselor in training, I am looking for topics for a group counseling session, I would like to avoid topics like “What triggers an urge to use” because I do not feel totally comfortable with my skills in redirection. I was thinking of something like “What types of activities do you plan on doing after leaving the treatment program?” (hobbies, interests, jobs that would help them stay clean) What do you think? Do you have any suggestions for topics?
Best answer:
Answer by Daisy
I have grown up in a family full of alcoholics, some still are, some have “stopped”. I think a key point to ask, Who do you want to be? What were your goals before the drugs came into your life? I think it’s important to have them go back in time, and think about when they were children, what there goals were, and how getting off there life path got them to where they are know, sometimes when you talk to addicts it’s good to have them remember there “innocent” years, have them remember the simplicity’s in life that made them happy. I am not a counselor, I am a Holistic Health practitioner, and I try to get to the root of people, because I believe once we can do that, it becomes easier for the person to re-evaluate what they are doing and makes them WANT to be “good” again..good luck, hope I helped a little. 😉
Answer by Macey Marin
I went through Addiction Counseling or whatever it’s called
I was addicted to prescription meds, and honestly , you have to ask questions directly.. Us patients, don’t want you to go around the subject but not adress the subject in question.
Ask, when do you get the urge to use ? What triggers you to use ? How do you feel after you used ? How would your life be different if you stopped using ? What benefits do you get from using? What does using bring to you / positive or negative.. Get to the point
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