What Are the Effects of Meth?

Question by Amee: What are the effects of meth?
Need to know.

Best answer:

Answer by RWPossum
About the worst drug there is – a very powerful stimulant that starts to damage your organs from the first time you take it, makes you mean and crazy

Answer by Dark Elf
Insomnia, paranoia, obsessive thinking, doing repeated senseless activity, talking excessively about nothing. Had this problem with neighbors recently. They stole parts off my automobile and stripped my truck for the scrap. I could go on as there is a list of abuses I suffered from them but the bottom line is for some reason this stuff isolates you to only other people who use meth and they herd together as a group. Because of the inability to function normally it can make for a miserable life style and a predominance towards criminal activity to survive.

This was a military drug that people have chose to cook up in unsterile conditions for street profit. The stuff made in toilets or wherever it is will eat up your innards.

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