What Do You Think About My Pharmacology Essay?
Question by Celena: what do you think about my pharmacology essay?
For medical purposes, A few states have passes the laws allowing the usage of marijuana. Although marijuana is used for medicinal purpose, there are still many harmful effects that the drug have on the body. Legal medicinal marijuana is believed by many to improve quality of life for cancer patients and others with terminal illnesses, but there are countless other prescription medications aimed at producing the same euphoric, pain-free effect. Marijuana aka (Mary Jane), a green, brown, or gray mixture of dried shredded leaves, stems, seeds that comes from a plant called cannabis. This drug has many street names such as chronic, herb, weed and pot. The cannabis plant can grow in nearly any environment and averages one to two inches of growth per day. It can grow up to 18ft. The first account of cannabis cultivation was in Chinese records dating from 28 B.C. This means china was growing marijuana more than 2,000 years ago. Cannabis seeds were used as a food source in china as early as 6000 B.C. It is the most frequently used illegal drug in the United States. Around 4% of American adults smoke pot at least once a year. About 1% of adults abuse marijuana, and one in 300 have a pot addiction. The controlled substances act of 1970 made it illegal to posses, use, buy, sell or even grow marijuana in the United States. Mexico and Paraguay is believed to be the world’s largest producers of marijuana. In 1996, California became the first U.S state to legally allow medical
marijuana for patients with a valid doctor’s recommendation.
The reason for physiological effects of marijuana is the active ingredient in marijuana called THC. THC stands for Tetrahydrocannabinol, which is quickly absorbed after smoking pot. THC and other substances that are smoked causes short-term medical effects. Signs of marijuana use could included dry mouth, slowed reaction, increase in appetite, and rapid hear rate. Random thinking, short –term memory loss, Anxiety and depression. It simulates hunger and multiple sclerosis, due to its muscle relaxant properties. The THC, Tetrahydrocannabinol is responsible for psychoactive effects of cannabis. Research has showed that it can help as a pain reliever. It is a mild analgesic and affects some parts of the brain which is controlled by the neurotransmitter, that is believe to be connected to pain sensation, memory and sleep. Marijuana is classified from the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) as a Schedule I drug. Substances or che
Best answer:
Answer by Ozymandias Fell
“many harmful effects that the drug have on the body.” – please elaborate.
“marijuana is believed by many to improve quality of life for cancer patients and others with terminal illnesses, but there are countless other prescription medications aimed at producing the same euphoric, pain-free effect.”
– You seem to be implying that this a faith-based position by writing “believed”, this is not the case, nor is it the case that cannabis is only effective at providing a “euphoric, pain-free effect”. Cannabis provides relief from nausea, glaucoma and opiate dependence. It is protective against several types of cancer, Alzheimer’s.. the list does go on, as I will demonstrate later. It may be worth noting that cannabis is far less addictive and damaging to the body than any prescription medicine. “Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man.” – Judge Francis Young. It is also far less addictive, less addictive than caffeine.
“the active ingredient in marijuana called THC” – You may also want to consider the role of CBD, and note that there are many other compounds in cannabis.
“Anxiety and depression” – cannabis has been found to reduce anxiety and depression
“simulates hunger and multiple sclerosis” – Cannabis does not simulate MS, it is in fact a treatment for MS.
Thank you for reading.
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