What Extra Tests Do They Do for a First Class Medical vs a 3rd Class.?

Question by Joe A: What extra tests do they do for a first class medical VS a 3rd Class.?
I have a 3rd class medical certificate, but everyone tells me they dont do anything differnt for a 1st class, but its more expensive…..Can Anyone tell me what extra testing they do for the 1st class?

Best answer:

Answer by Kyle
I think the testing is relatively the same. I got a third, and a second, and i don’t remember the difference. You can call the local Medical Examiner, and ask. I think that it is more that the doctor sees the pilot fit enough to perform or act as PIC or SIC, of certain aircraft. I mean, the ME’s get to know you really. They’ll know what you do, so if they think that you are fine. I’d look in the FAR though. It probably states what the differences are.

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Cocaine – Cocaine abuse like amphetamines and crack can have devistating effects. There is treatment available for this problem.


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