What Is the Process of Being Tested for ADHD?

Question by Xcvxbvcbxcfdsfsdf S: What is the process of being tested for ADHD?
How does it go about?
I had my first consultation with my doctor today but was wondering what the process i can expect is

Best answer:

Answer by amyaz_98
It depends on your age. Your school or local college should be able to refer you to a certified learning disability therapist (masters degree or higher) who can test you. You are given a series of tests. You will be asked questions and given written tests. You will also be tested like you are in school, to determine where you are as far as your grade level goes. There are different types of A.D.D. – There is auditory, visual, hyperactivity, non-hyper, etc. Basically, it’s just a bunch of tests, that you will probably have to take over a period of several days (so you don’t do it all at once) and you are scored based on your answers.

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