Why Are Some Drugs Illegal and Others Aren’t?
Question by SuperImmortalKing: Why are some drugs illegal and others aren’t?
Heroin, Meth and Cocaine are obviously bad for you. However other drugs, like ecstasy, lsd and weed, while still harmful, aren’t really that bad for you. And then there’s alcohol and tobacco which are known to be bad for you, even worse than ecstasy, lsd and weed but are still legal. Why? I’d like to say that its because of public opinion, but the reason why the public dislikes illegal drugs is because the government takes actions to make all drugs look bad. Is it just an endless cycle?
Best answer:
Answer by THEmonster
because people want to. The government feels the need to control every part of our lives.
Answer by Midwestgirl
Go back to where drugs and mind altering chemicals are made – pharmaceutical laboratories. They push it on society, it gets a name change and sold as street drugs and that keeps government agencies busy collecting taxes for new agencies to “fight drugs”. When someone goes to rehab they are put onto “legal” drugs to replace the street drugs so insurance can pay for it.
It is all the same stuff. Every bit of it. It is promoted to chemically lobotomize society, and keep them all stupid so they don’t know what is going on and anything can be done to them.