Why Is the Crime Rate in New Zealand So Much Higher Than Other Places?
Question by Jiff J: Why is the crime rate in new zealand so much higher than other places?
What are some reasons why there are so many assaults/ homicides in New Zealand? Poverty? or some other reasons?
Best answer:
Answer by Jodie C
I am sure it is not as bad as some other places like America, England and parts of the Afican continent. Why don’t you ask the New Zealand section, they might be able to help you. Yahoo has put your answer in the Aussie section. Categorise your questions manually to avoid this.
Answer by ABCDiamond Britzinoz.com
Some countries have a higher crime rate, because more crime is actually reported, not always due to more crime..
If the local population have no confidence in the Police system they are less likely to report crimes, and therefore have a “reported” lower crime rate.
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