Why Is Weed Worse Then Alcohol?

Question by Nasir Jones: Why is weed worse then alcohol?
For all the people who hate weed. I mean why is it worse then alcohol? Alcohol kills more people. Its impossible to overdose on weed. Weed does NOT kill braincells (common myth) So please tell me what makes it so bad? I mean in that other question i saw that someone called people who smoke weed ignorant. How are they anymore ignorant then people who drink alcohol? You are basically sitting there sipping on poison.
So because something is illegal it is automatically bad? Weed is practically legal in a lot of states. Decriminalized in other. No cop is actively searching to catch someone smoking weed. And if you do it in your house or at a party its pretty much impossible to get caught.

Best answer:

Answer by fresh kid
its not ppl are just n00bs

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