Wisdom Teeth Out Tomarrow, Extremely Afraid of Vomiting After “waking”?

Question by JBM: Wisdom teeth out tomarrow, extremely afraid of vomiting after “waking”?
16 years old, getting wisdom teeth out tomarrow morning and it is the first time I have ever had to go “under” for anything nor have I had any type of surgery before. I have major anxiety mainly focused on vomiting and have heard some people vomit from the sedation after waking from the procedure! Please help. also some tips/personal experience’s etc would be helpful! not as much worried about pain/recovery but anything regarding it would also be awesome! Thanks

Best answer:

Answer by arnie
A little info I think should be considered about this drug Versed ( Midazolam ) that is used for Sedation for many medical procedures..Sedation and General Anesthesia are not the same and quite a few people being given Sedation
think they are being given General Anesthesia!

There is simply no good or valid reason to ever purposely induce amnesia during a medical procedure. It is only a recent development in medical thinking that amnesia is somehow a “benefit” to the patient. On occasion some
some patients will remember a bad experience. Forgetting does not mean it did not happen!!
I feel that if people were aware of the effects of this drug they would Opt For Another Drug!
Erasing someones memory of what was done to them is wrong!!
In fact, many people who use Versed for ” IV Sedation,Conscious Sedation” Twilight Sedation, during a procedure are Awake For The Entire Procedure but remember nothing, often Believing They Were “Out” the whole time.

Versed (Midazolam) is an amnestic. It is also commonly used for minor procedures like setting broken bones,colonoscopies,endoscopies, dental procedures like extractions,conscious sedation,twilight sleep, so that patients won’t remember pain and discomfort.HOWEVER THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT THOSE SENSATIONS WILL NOT BE EXPERIENCED!!!!

A note from an anesthesiologist
I agree that using midazolam alone in painful situations is wrong. I’ve heard people getting colonoscopies and screaming, and maybe they remember, maybe they don’t.

A note I got from someone on Yahoo Answers who did have a bad experience..This is very disconcerting… My sister said she heard me screaming from the waiting room but assumed it wasn’t me. When we left we heard another female patient screaming. I did a lot of research since your post, thanks so much for the info.

Here is a note from a Dentist Who uses Versed
I’ve used Versed 1000+ times during oral surgery procedures and I’ve never had a complaint. It’s a miracle drug because it is safe and it causes you to not remember an unpleasant experience. My answer to him is isn’t it better to have not experienced the pain than to have forgot it. No wonder you have had no complaints they have no memory of the procedure…..

There is a blog about this drug you may find interesting http://versedbusters.blogspot.com/2005/12/introduction.html

Why I post this note….
What got me started on this subject was a few years ago my wife broke her Femur
and was in the emergency room waiting to get it operated on. They asked me to wait outside the room
because they wanted to set it before the operation.They gave her Versed and the screaming was horrible.
I was told she would not remember and she didn’t but I do know how she suffered. I feel that when this drug is used for it’s amnesia effect it’s abuse. I complained and the head of emergency services called me he
agreed with me that something for pain should have been given. I spoke to the surgeon on a follow up visit
and asked him about what had happened,his remark was she does not remember so what.

Other experiences with this drug I know people who had had colonoscopies and do remember having pain and yelling
during the procedure,so I guess amnesia does not happen to everyone.
Most every time a Doctor tells a patient to have a colonoscopy they say you won’t remember it and not you won’t feel anything or suffer.

I feel that giving a drug for amnesia is cruel I would not want it done to me!

It is only a recent development in medical thinking that amnesia is somehow a “benefit” to the patient. On occasion some Patients will remember a bad experience!

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