Workers Compensation Issues Prominent in National Summit on Rx Drug Abuse

Workers Compensation Issues Prominent in National Summit on Rx Drug Abuse
Filed under: Drug Abuse and Addiction
Several national workers’ compensation experts will lead 1.5 hour sessions during the National Rx Drug Abuse Summit April 10-12 at the Walt Disney World Swan Resort in Orlando, Fla


Anti-abuse, addiction forum on the cards
Filed under: Drug Abuse and Addiction
Pushers and drug lords can expect to see their profits shrink with the news that KwaZulu-Natal Premier Zweli Mkhize is setting up a forum to tackle abuse and addiction in the province.


Top Health Officials: Prescription Drug Abuse 'Major Epidemic'
Filed under: Drug Abuse and Addiction
Two of Allegheny County's top medical officials are calling for the aggressive confrontation of prescription drug abuse, warning that the issue has become a major health problem throughout the country, including southwestern Pennsylvania.


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